Friday, February 22, 2008

this week

hope your week was as great as mine!

i ate a red pickle
turns out that's a pickled plum

went swing dancing last night
by the end i was doing a decent job i think
even made up a thing or two of my own :)

today i went to Cody's
first we played a war game that i sucked at :)
then we played some cheap yet incredible awesome arcade-type game where you basically flew around in space above a planet and shot asteroids and aliens. A simple, old school game. Turns out those are still some of the best.

took some nice pictures

and got a job as a Peer Leader for next year. :)
(if you don't go to Tech, that's an RA for freshmen basically)
i'm quite excited about this.
i'll be somewhere in Freeman/Fitten/Montag. i'd originally hoped to be on east campus... but i've decided i'm quite okay with this now.
and I think my hall director is a Christian. which... will make it even better in many ways i think.

pray that I figure out what to do this summer in the next week...

I'm Not Running- Cool Hand Luke

For the message
Of the cross is
To those who are perishing
But to us
Being saved
It’s the power
Of God (I Corinthians 1:18)

There’s no turning back
Unless we’re turning back to you

I’m not running away from this
I’m not falling asleep
I’m not taking a bribe from anyone for anything
I’m not running away from this
I’m not falling asleep
I’m not turning back on the one thing that I know

We’re the foolish
We’re the weak ones
We’re the lowly
And despised things that are not
God will take us
He will shape us
He will make us
Nullify the things that are (I Corinthians 1:27-28)
There’s no turning back
Unless we’re turning back to you

I have given up on breathing and all I need is You
I am never going down for air again

Thursday, February 14, 2008

a healthy diet

(I wrote this a while back and have decided to share it.)

If only
we could get it in our heads...
In our hearts!
In the very core of our understanding...
That we need you.
With a need that is more vital even than food & water.
Often it seems
we are only ever thankful for such
when we realize how much they are needed.
And when they are scarce.
So it is with you.
If I need your Spirit I'll just
turn the handle
and out it pours.
Or open the door to find a shelf full of the Bread of Life.
So then why do I barely scrounge together one
decent meal each day? (if that)
The same cereal. The same sandwich.
Trading meat for snacks.
Because I'm too lazy?
Because I don't understand?
Because, ultimately, I don't think I need you.

The effects of
starvation and dehydration
are evident.
And, try as I might,
one meal won't solve the problem.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

cooking and kids

i cooked last night

i made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, biscuits, and gravy for 11 people

i had some help...
though even there i was still pretty much directing it.
i'd never made fried chicken before so most of my attention was focused on hitting the mark between black and salmonella.
i think i could do it all on my own now that i know what i'm doing

and more than that...
it actually turned out to be good.

i'm proud and feel like telling of my conquests :)

in other news

today i was playing with two little kids and bags of gooey stuff.
water and flour... or maybe just generic manufactured slime?
between themselves they couldn't decide if it was grease or something from a bear's stomach.
i love them

Saturday, February 2, 2008

my wife

i pray that i find a wife who is in many ways like Mae in Cinderella Man.

Friday, February 1, 2008

holy sonnet 15

by John Donne

Wilt thou love God as he thee? then digest,
My soul, this wholesome meditation,
How God the Spirit, by angels waited on
In heaven, doth make His temple in thy breast.
The Father having begot a Son most blest,
And still begetting—for he ne'er begun—
Hath deign'd to choose thee by adoption,
Co-heir to His glory, and Sabbath' endless rest.
And as a robb'd man, which by search doth find
His stolen stuff sold, must lose or buy it again,
The Sun of glory came down, and was slain,
Us whom He had made, and Satan stole, to unbind.
'Twas much, that man was made like God before,
But, that God should be made like man, much more.