i still haven't caught up on rest.
how come i always seem to get more energy and stay up later when i plan a specific bedtime?!
i was at sharptop cove doing work crew this weekend, as you most likely know.
and it was a blast.
it was nice to be with my dear friends.
nice to encourage and laugh with and laugh at them. :)
nice to smile and laugh about memories.
and also nice to make
new ones.
i think there are some great new memories to laugh and smile about now. :)
the main point of me writing this is to share with you something that God reminded me of on saturday...
this weekend i spent some of my free time walking around the camp with Josh and Jason, and at one point we ended up watching a young boy do the quantum leap.
i think the quantum leap is one of the coolest things they have there. :)
it's basically a quiet spot back in the woods where they've got a wooden pole sticking out of the ground. a telephone pole basically. with metal rungs on the sides spaced out about every 4 feet so that you can climb up. you try to climb to the top (where there is a little one square foot platform) and stand up. hanging from a tree a little ways out is a bell, which you try to jump off and ring.
of course you're harnessed in, so that it's safe and you don't fall to your death after ringing the bell. :) there's a trained person on the ground who has you by a rope that goes through a number of pulleys. they could probably pull most people to the top if they wanted to.
like i said, we got there just as a young elementary school aged boy was harnessed in. we were pretty surprised when he made it all the way to the top! the rope guy had to help him out some because he was almost too short to even reach the next rung sometimes, but he made it and was sitting down on top.
i guess he didn't realize how high he was until he got there, because he suddenly froze up. his father and everyone watching was trying to encourage him to turn to face the bell and stand up. but he was too afraid of falling.
after about 5 or 10 minutes he decided that he wanted to come down, which there's no shame in doing. especially at this kids age. a lot of kids freak out at the top, and understandably so. standing on top of a telephone pole doesn't feel like a very secure place, even if you're being held up by a rope. it's a healthy fear.
the way to get down
is to jump off.
to let go.
and the rope dude slowly lowers you to the ground.
this is how the quantum leap is designed to work.
little kid had a different plan though.
he didn't feel safe doing that.
part of the time he just wanted to hang tight and not move...
and he wanted to climb down.
which he could do i suppose.
but it wouldn't be easy.
it would probably hurt a little.
it would take a lot longer.
he could end up getting hurt a little, because it's hard to keep tension in the rope if the person's headed down.
and he would miss the fun of slowly swinging to the ground!
at first, everyone was encouraging him to do it the
right way. the good way. the easy way.
they told him why his way wasn't good.
but he refused to listen.
he was a child.
he couldn't understand that their plan was better and safer than his in every way.
he needed to put faith in what his father was saying to him.
but he wouldn't.
they realized that he couldn't be reasoned with before long, and let him try to do things his way. i guess the
most important thing was that he got down safely, and if he wouldn't do it the right way, they didn't have another option.
after quite some time
after a lot of effort and little improvement
after a lot of crying and fear
he eventually decided to
let should have seen the smile on his face when he 'danced upon the ashes of his burned up little plans.'
when he realized
easy it's
supposed to be.
fun it's
supposed to be.
it could have been better,
but at least he realized it eventually, right? :)
made me think of how we're like this with God sometimes.
if only we'd give up our plans for his...
particularly at the times when it seems impossible to.
"something to think about later" i figured.
then i went and did my bible reading for the day,
which included 1 Samuel 8.
this is where the Israelites asked for a king...
Samuel had acted as a leader for them. if you read the previous chapter or two, it tells about how he protected Israel and held it together, like the judges before him (he's named one in chapter 7 actually).
if you read about his miraculous birth and calling in the first few chapters of the book, you can see how the man is truly part of
God's plan.
chose Samuel to lead his people.
Like a shepherd finds a good sheep dog i guess. :)
in chapter 8 Samuel is getting old, and the Israelites want Samuel to pick a king to lead them before he's gone.
this is not purely bad in itself i think.
we read that Samuel's sons were not great people, and so it is good that the people desired to have a wise and just man of God leading them.
then we see that they are actually
rejecting God as their king.
they think their security will come from a king.
they don't trust God for security.
they don't trust him to bring another man like Samuel (if that's what they need).
they don't trust
God's plan.
God's way.God tells them their idea is bad, and gives them a pretty comprehensive list of reasons to prove it.
he encourages them to make
him their king.
he gives them another chance to decide what they want...
but they still won't listen.
and he ended up giving them what they wanted!
he lets them do it their way, and even helps with it!
while God pursued the hearts of kings and did great things with those who loved him...
how much more if they had just accepted God as their king?!
but... what about me?
what about you?
for God's sake and yours,
the question
to which you ought to give serious thought :)
is this:
which plans of yours need to be burned to ashes?