so if you read this, then you probably already know about my recent injury
we were over at the wcf cookout the other night. then i was walking back to west campus with molly, chelsea, erin, and a new friend, colleen.
molly wanted to visit some other new friends who had pledged to a fraternity nearby. after circling around looking for the place we were finally on the right path...
sadly for me, that path led right to a pole. i guess i wasn't paying attention, because i never saw it coming. i was just turning and looking up to make a comment when
there was a short moment of "ouch."
and a bit of dizzy.
and then lots of laughing.
then blood.
the girls were concerned.
with good reason perhaps.
[from this point until the "but seriously" i had a pair of guest authors: chelsea and erin. i made a few edits, and left some comments in brackets... but it's mostly their work.]
it was actually pretty bad...
i'm just being modest.
there was blood all over the side of my face and in my hair...
apparently i looked pretty awful.
i was still laughing like i was the coolest person ever [because i have the best embarrasing story ever] when in reality i was standing on the sidewalk outside of a bunch of frat houses with blood
plastered [good word choice..] to my face.
needless to say i have some pretty cool friends and they (very wisely) went straight to one of the frat houses to get me some water and band aids and cleaning swabs.
they're so sweet. [:)]
anyways this part is actually kind of funny because all the frat boys were outside dressed up with flowers ready to serenade the sororities, so i had a bit of an audience while i was wiping my face off.
so we headed home instead of to a hospital (very stupid idea) [uh... too bad there's not a hospital to go to....]
chelsea [thinks she] saved erin from walking into another pole [except not].
then as we were passing another frat house, chelsea's nose spontaneously began to bleed, and the familiar sight of blood returned. she was clearly being repaid for saving erin from certain blood [what?]. again we ran to a frat house to get napkins. chelsea then joined me in the very distinguished blood crew.
i got back and paraded around my dorm sharing my story with residents.
it's a good conversation starter.
i should run into things more often...
so yeah
i figured it was just a little cut...
it wasn't until later in molly/colleen/erin's dorm (to get a brownie that my awesome friend erin saved for me) that we pulled back the band aid to have a better look at the cut. it was WAY deep and STILL bleeding hours later (by now we really should have gone the hospital) [that still doesn't exist] but we settled on fixing it with hydrogen peroxide/neosporin/another band-aid/water/bed.
i actually stayed up til like 1...
because it's fun to tell people that you might have to get stitches for walking into a pole.
i finally got to the doctor the next day after my classes and he told me that in order to sew it up he would have to rip the cut back open first.
and i decided that sounded stupid.
basically i would be paying them to make me bleed more, take up my free time, and remove my awesome scar.
it's pretty neat actually, it's sort of in the shape of a Y over my eyebrow. i'm practically harry potter. i bet i'll be able to sense the pole's presence next time i walk by it.
by now it's not so bad, but I managed to get a sweet picture of my face covered in blood.
but seriously
i decided things in life go this way a lot.
for me at least.
it's easy to just laugh it off when you run into a pole.
to pretend like you're fine.
to get too busy to take care of the problem.
and then it turns out it's worse than you thought.
and covering it up with a band-aid,
and wiping off the blood,
and getting busy with other "more important" things
doesn't help.
it's kind of lame when you finally realize it's a problem.
but you can't do anything.
and the worst part is when you
get to the doctor...
but now the scar is already part of you.
and he has to open it again to fix it.
but you won't let him.
if you had gone at first,
he could have fixed it right up.
and you'd have been fine with that!
but now you waited to long.
you're okay with him helping you when you're hurt.
but not okay with him hurting you to help.
if only, if only...