Friday, April 24, 2009


what wonderful weather :)

i love the warmth

its just nice to be outside and comfortable at the same time
nice to feel wind and not shiver
nice to go barefoot

i'm so ready for the month of may...

Monday, April 20, 2009


an oversized list of some of my favorite lyrics on their new cd:

every thought a thought of You.
every look in search of You.
our darkest nights are days to You.
the trees raise branches high
like arms in church to grateful sky.
every song in praise of You.

no one here to believe but You.
everyone else is bound to leave but You.
when they swear their love is real,
they mean "i like the way you make me feel."
there's no one here to believe but you.

when letting all attachments go,
is the only prayer we know,
may it be so,
may it be so,
may it be so...

the horse's hay beneath his head
our Lord was born to a manger bed
that all whose wells run dry
could drink of his supply.
the donkey whispered in his ear
"child, in 30-some-odd years
you'll ride someone who looks like me-
the cardinals warbled a joyful song:
"he'll make right what man made wrong,
bringing low the hills
that the valleys might be filled."
when the rain picks up
and the sun goes down
sinners, come inside
with no money, come and buy.
no clever talk, nor a gift to bring
requires our lowly, lovely king.
come now empty handed, you don't need anything.

and the night was cool
and clear as glass
with the sneaking snake in the garden grass.
deep cried out to deep;
the disciples fast asleep.
and the snake perked up
when he heard You ask,
"if you're willing that
this cup might pass
we could find our way back home
maybe start a family all our own."
"but does not the Father guide the Son?
not my will, but yours be done.
what else here to do?
what else me, but You?"
and the snake who'd held the world
a stick, a carrot and a string,
was crushed beneath the foot
of your not wanting anything.

we all well know
we're gonna reap what we sow.
but grace, we all know
can take the place of all we owe.
so why not, let's forgive everyone everywhere everything...
all the time everyone everywhere everything.

we get split to pieces like an apple core husk to reveal the tree that's been hidden inside.
what a beautiful G-d, what a beautiful G-d, what a beautiful G-d there must be!
what a beautiful G-d, what a beautiful G-d, what a beautiful G-d You must be!

and the father [beetle king] explained, "you've been somewhat deceived,
we've all called me your dad, but your true dad's not me.
i laid next to your mom and your forms were conceived;
your Father's the light within all that you see.
He fills up the ponds as He empties the clouds,
holds without hands, and He speaks without sounds.
provides us with the cow's waste and coconuts to eat
giving one that nice salt taste, and the other is sweet.
sends the black carriage the day death shows its face;
thinning our numbers with kindness and grace.
and just as a flower and its fragrance are one,
so must each of you and your Father become.
now distribute my scepter, my crown, and my throne
and all we've known as wealth to the poor and alone.
without further hesitation, without looking back home,
the king flew headlong into the blazing unknown.
and as the smoke king curled higher and higher
the troops flying loops round the telephone wires
they said, "our beloved's not dead, but his highness instead,
has been utterly changed into fire."
why not be utterly changed into fire?

in everywhere we look
in everywhere we look
Allah, Allah, Allah
in everyone we meet
in everyone we meet
Allah, Allah, Allah
in every blade of grass
in every blade of grass
Allah, Allah, Allah
it doesn't matter what you done-
what effect is without a cause?
it doesn't matter what you done,
now lay your faithless head down.
in necessities cotton hand
there's a love that never changes
no matter what you done.
if you care to sing forgiveness songs
come down and join our band.
we'll cut you like a sword
and sing forgiveness songs.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


it's been a while :)

i finally learned a good definition of the word hosanna!
it's one of those troublesome "church words" that pops up in the bible and in sermons and in songs... and you just don't ever know exactly what it means without context clues...

apparently even in Jesus' time it had become an expression of praise and the true meaning was lost. so i think our confusion is definitely justified here... :) that's about the way it's used in songs right? it's just this vague sort of expression of praise...

but i was delighted to learn that it does in fact have deeper meaning!

it's a hebrew phrase made of two words
ישע = to save, deliver, give victory to
נא = an expression of earnest request or incitement, such as "please!", "i pray", or in a more desperate/demanding sense "now!"

matthew 21:9
"the crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, "Save now!..."

and he responded to that more powerfully than they could have imagined!
certainly beyond what they expected...

i feel so privileged to be able to shout hosanna and mean it.
and besides praying it for myself, i can pray it for the world around me!

let's be outwardly focused as we consider the sacrifice and victory of our Savior this year :)

I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes

I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to