Tuesday, April 19, 2011

my portion

"because of the Lord's faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end.
they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!
i say: the Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him."
lamentations 3:22-24

portion is not a particularly common word...
the main place i would use it is to describe the food on my plate at dinner time.

the writer declares that the Lord is his portion.
as do i.

and yet it's so easy to eye something different. something else.

the Lord is my portion.
my plate is full, with the best.
i have no reason to look elsewhere.
even if something else could satisfy, why does it matter?
my portion is in front of me.
my plate is full.
i have no reason to go elsewhere.

you can offer me more.
but i will say: no thanks, i don't really need anything else.

we often say that God is "enough" for us, in some way or another.
but do i mean that when i say it?
because if god is enough, it means i've got plenty on my plate to satisfy me.

i've got God on my plate.
you can pass me the bowl of good grades.
or offer me a piece of rest.
but i'm just going to pass it right along.
my plate is full, and i've already got more than enough to be satisfied.

i have no reason to put my hope elsewhere.
i've already got somewhere to put it.
i've already got the best place to put my hope.

my salvation lies in your love.

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